What I learned as a STEM Entrepreneurship Major, Focus: Computer Science
I am happy to share that I am a member of the first graduating class from Florida State University majoring in STEM Entrepreneurship. Majoring in STEM Entrepreneurship requires students to chose a focus area. The area that I chose to focus is in is computer science. This allowed me to take Intro to Python within the computer science path. Then in the Entrepreneurship path I gained experience joining a machine learning lab and startup AI comapany. I was able to use what I learned in my Python course to gain a deeper knowledge of real world applications. I also gained experince with Django in my own entrepreneurial journey and real world internship experiences.
My next highest impact course was Web programming and design. Here I honed the fundementals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also gained additional knowledge in PHP, MYSQL, jQuery, and Ajax in the course. With this knowledge I was able to pivot my startup from a social mobile app to a highly customized HR Onboarding SaaS for small business to onboard employees and university colleges to onboard new students. For Wonderin, HR onboarding SaaS, I use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. On a day-to-day basis I use CSS for style and JavaScript to manipulate the DOM. I was able to hone the fundamentals of web programming development and through my startup I am able to continously maintain/improve my skills.
Overall, majoring in STEM Entrepreneurship taught me enough to be dangerous in computer science and allowed me to focus and hone my skills with real world applications.