Thoughts on learning web programming
To begin I want to mention that I believe like all interesting skills, one is never done learning web programming. Which means that I still have alot more to learn about web programming and where ever else life takes me.
I noticed the biggest improvements in my journey so far has been through honing in on the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Understanding HTML allows you to understand the building blocks of the web. CSS allows you to design the look and feel of the web. Then with JavaScript you can begin introducing more dynamic content and programming capibilities.
I tried to jump straight into modern programming with React, Django, Next.js, etc and I defiently learned alot. However, once I took the course web programming and design at my college I was able to hone the fundamentals of web programming HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With the foundations I learned in this course all of a sudden I was able to make strides in real world applications. JavaScript frameworks make a lot more sense once you have a good grasp on the fundamentals of web programming.
Additionally, having the combination of web programming knowledge and an understanding of a powerful CMS can enable individuals to build out sophistacted web applications.